Sláva! the Design Hub


At the beginning of the year 2024 we designed and produced interior elements for the new Design hub in Prague - Celetná 12 called Sláva! From big light objects to pink jewelry display cases and tables.

All elements are primarily reused from material sourced from amazing @art_re_use based in Prague.

︎Atmospheric light in the entrance hall:
This 5m square object transforms the entrance hall into a more intimate chill zone. It can be dynamically adjust its brightness and character based on the position of the individual shading circles. 

︎Light installation for exhibition hall:
The object seems to effortlessely float in the air, resembling soft clouds. Upon closer view, the fabric as a subtle diffuser hidding electrical components. All you can see is a gentle glow, akin to a lone moon in the sky.

︎Pink showcases and tables:
Embracing sustainbility, these pieces are born from the reuse principle, crafted with residual MDF desk outcats sourced from Art Re Use.

If you want to see whole production process - go to playform instagram @playform_design

Paper is the new steel series S01


lampshades launches the 'Paper is the new steel' project, which utilizes hand-crafted recycled paper to create thin and light yet structurally robust interior products. These products aim to replace 'new' metal items, which are not as sustainable from the perspective of energy demand, thereby promoting more responsible environmental practices.

Mate&Mate for good


Mate&Mate is the collection of candles that quite literally stand on their own feet. The project was made special for St.Valentines popup. The candles in the collection usually require each other to achieve optimal stability. This connection is not just an aesthetic or structural element, it also carries a profound meaning - reminding us that together, we are stronger, and mutual support propels us forward.

For this project we have partnered with non-profit organization Mistni Mistnim which provides free basic services to people in need in Prague.



At the end of 2023, we started a series of neighborhood pop-ups in Prague 7. The event supports the local community of creatives and their networking with each other, but also with potential customers. The events support not only the creators themselves but also the charity. On some pop-ups, the creators agreed to donate 20% of the profit to the Místní Místní charity and thereby support a good cause. We would like to continue this series of pop-ups and keep the creative fire going.

Book: Meter, a designer’s tool


The book 'Metre' follows the diploma thesis of Matěj Coufal and explores the current good practice in project design. The book is devided into several basic chapters: Puzzle, where is presented approach to designing objects, History, focusing on the development and application of measurement unit systems, and how they shaped objects, architecture, and our environment, Modulor, where is explored  the possible practical application of the anthropomentrics scale of proportions devised by  Le Courbisier, Anthropocentrism, further developing the previous chapter, where raises questions of proportions and aesthetics. Object, where it returns to the substance of a meter and contemplates how measuring instruments affects our perception of lenghts, Vizuality, which examines the aesthetic experience depending on the proportions and mathematical rules of visual perceptions, and much more...

The book cantains topic exploration of other authors: Iva potůčková, Adam Štěch, Jan Lukačevič and Evžen Šimera. 

still aviable in different book shops

Are you interested in cooperation? Feel free to cantact us︎︎︎

Haškova 4, Prague 7
Czech Republic